Monday, October 17, 2016

All About Wesley: 8 months old

Where does the time go??

Obviously, I've missed a few months on updates... I have taken the pictures each month, but haven't gotten to editing or posting. I guess that's how life goes with a baby! Wesley is officially 8 months old now, and he is starting to seem so grown up in many ways. Here are some updates on Wesley as he learns more, and we learn more about him!

  • Wesley has always been a mover, but he can now get pretty much anywhere he wants by rolling and turning. He can move from laying down to all-fours, and now in and out of sitting as well, which means reaching new things! He is loving it, and we are spending time baby-proofing!
  • Wesley is eating lots of different foods, including soft solid foods like green beans. He just recently started actually eating a significant amount of food instead of just tasting and moving it around in his mouth.

  • This little boy's giggle is the best sound I know! (Maybe I'm a little biased?) And I love that we hear it more all the time. He giggles when we give kisses on his belly or make silly sounds. Sometimes he giggles at Izzy, too!
  • Wesley loves exploring things through touch. He is definitely a fine motor guy and loves to grab small things like strings, as well as feeling different textures. We have been working on picking up food like puffs and chunks of green bean.

  • Everything to the mouth! Wesley has 8 teeth, with 2 more that we've been working on for some time! I feel like he's always teething, but luckily he handles it pretty well. 
  • Sleep is still a little hit or miss, but in general, Mom is getting much more sleep these days! Wesley was even sleeping through the night for awhile!
  • Wesley is now with a friend for childcare 1.5 days a week while Mom works, and that has been going well for all. Mom is enjoying being back to work in Fairmont, and Wesley is enjoying having new friends to play with!
It is amazing to be watching Wesley grow every day! Each month brings a new adventure in so many ways. I can't wait to see what this month holds for our family!