bit more about Wesley, and his first week of life!
Hi, everyone! My name is Wesley, but I am called everything from Wes to Little Monkey, Bub, and Big Guy. I have lots of dark brown hair, and dark blue eyes. Mom and Dad aren't sure what color they are going to be - we'll have to wait and see! I love my fingers, and have used them to soothe from day one. I can get them out of any swaddle if I try hard enough!
I'm a good eater and I sleep 2-3 hours at a time at night (at least part of the night). I've even started to smile a little after feeding sometimes! I hate having my diaper changed, but I calm down quickly when Mom and Dad sing to me.
When I'm awake, I love to look around, and I love listening to books. We've already read a lot of good ones! My sister Izzy, who is a dog, likes to watch over me, too! Mommy is excited for me to get out and explore the world, but for now we are enjoying cozying up at home!