Monday, December 14, 2015

Adventures in Third Trimester

29 weeks, and our little Biscuit is growing more every day! Time is flying by, and we can't wait to meet our little one! I felt absolutely great throughout my second trimester, and continue to feel well overall. Third trimester has brought an increase in muscle cramps, heartburn, and overall discomfort, but certainly nothing I can complain about too much. The energy I got back during 2nd trimester is slowly dwindling again, but that is to be expected. It takes a lot of energy to grow a little person!

29 weeks! (please ignore the rug pad waiting patiently for us to put it under the rug)
I started seeing baby move around 25 weeks, and it has been such fun to experience! He continues to be active, and Brian has really enjoyed being able to feel and see so much movement! We both talk to him often, and await his (usually) not-so-subtle responses. Of course, being a music therapist, I sing to him as often as I can, though one of my strange symptoms of pregnancy has been a hoarseness that keeps me from doing this as much as I would like. It has definitely been one of the more difficult symptoms for me to deal with, especially this time of year with Christmas Carols all around! I look forward to singing with him more when he arrives!

I'm getting far enough along that I'm getting questions of "Are you ready?" and "How is the nursery coming?" We took an Ikea shopping trip a few weeks back and were able to get the bulk of our larger furniture then, including a crib, storage, and bookshelf. Here I am, ready to check out:

We have also been blessed with true generosity from friends and family who have given us hand-me-downs from their own children, from clothing to car seat, stroller, and swing. All of this has started to fill our nursery (and beyond at times!) and is making it feel a little more real that baby will be here soon! We are excited to continue putting the nursery together, and will definitely share some pictures once it's closer to finished!

We have so much to be thankful for during this holiday season, and often find ourselves marveling at the fact that we will have a 9-month-old by Christmas next year! For now, we will enjoy every moment of baby kicks, nursery organization, and anticipation!